Saturday, June 19, 2010

Monday afternoon. 108 in the shade of our porch. The locals are saying what a cool year they have been having! Normal would be about 10 degrees warmer.

I think this was Friday afternoon in the RV park at Topaz Lake. Gathering for the raffle. Put on, as usual by the Sublow family.

Six Pack and KrazBob, with "Deer Slayer" Ed in the background.

Good folks visiting.

The lady is LAS's sister, with her husband. They brought their trailer down and did all the work for the hot dogs, etc. Lunches for both Friday and Saturday. They did a nice job.

New friends from Vancouver, Canada.

It was good to see KrazBob and the sweet Barb again!

KC and Randy look like they are ready for a safari or something.

Jest and Laura Sublow (Howard's daughter)

KC, Jamey T. and Sixpack

Six Pack and Pennmaker.

The end of an era. After 9 years of going to Topaz Lake for High Sierra VROC, Don is retiring the job. Nitelite presented him with a nice clock. Don did a good job, it will be hard to fill his shoes..but, we hope that someone steps up to do it.

Dang! A fine looking motorcycle. Looks strange with a California plate on it.

Slots second home.

Ed Anderson hit a large Mule deer at 70 mph. Took out both headlights, smashed the whole fairing pretty good and put a couple dents in the gas tank. Ed held it up, it didn't seem to hurt the bike. He rode it the 95 more miles to the rally, then closet to 600 more in the heat going back to Kingman. Tough guy.

The Friday Ride. Skid led, did an excellent job. We never lost any one. :-)

Tony D. and Mac Guy waiting for their food at Heide's in Lake Tahoe.

The "Yokes on You" at Heidi's.

Why would anyone sell a beautiful Wing and buy a tiny little Harley??!! Don't ask me!

It was a little chilly up here, but a perfect day.

A Mountain Top experience.

Sandy listening to Mark read to her.

Our usual parking place on the top of the hill over Virginia City.

This lizard is catching some morning sun to warm up.

LAS volunteered to provide the food, but in the mean time got a job. So...her sister and brother in law did most of the work. She was able to get down for awhile on Saturday. Nice to see her again.

These two very well behaved and gentle dogs came down with LAS's sister.

Don (VSP) and LAS have been friends for a long time. I think they met through the Triumph club.

View from the room I shared with Skid and Sandy at the Topaz Lake Lodge. It's now a Super 8. We all agreed we like it better from the old days, but it was still a nice room.

My kind of bear. Evidently the fire in the casino didn't hurt this guy, he's been there a long time.

The beautiful High Sierra's on a Sunday morning heading down Hwy 395

Stopped at the Whoa Nellie Deli to fill my 34 ounce coffee mug.

Rest stop. The scenery is beautiful

Just outside Yuma, 4:30 PM on Sunday. Been a long day. These are the famous Winterhaven sand dunes.

Church in Virginia City

One of several street BBQ's in Virginia City

Looking down town.

Most of the old hotels and saloons have been somewhat restored

Skid and Sandy inside the Bucket of Blood saloon.

The box on the burro is for tips. "Stinky" will perform or you or let you take his picture of some change.

More Virginia City

Skid and Sandy with the Silver Dollar lady. These are the REAL dollars that are around 99 % silver.

I've posted this same picture a few times before, but this will probably be the last time. It's where Piper goes to perform with his Pipes!

An alley full of vendors

These folks know all about Hot Sauce. Scott needs to visit here!

Biker bar

Tony D. and Skid. Visions of sugar plums

Mark Twain liked this part of the country, and spent a lot of time up here.

Dr. Jack's pretty Yellow Wing

Cranky, worked off his ice cream walking up the hill to his bike

KC doing something

Genoa. The oldest bar in the State of Nevada

Inside the bar

Couple Wings from the VROC rally :-)
And the token Harley

Nice little place to eat. We didn't make it this year, but have in the past

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